
Log in to access the resource area.

Welcome to the John Gerrard resources area. Please register to log in and receive access to selected project images on this site at high resolution, also video resources, PDF's of texts and any related material.

Access to this area is limited to registered members. It is designed to facilitate those working in areas of publishing, education, artists and institutional / curatorial.

After registration, a password will be randomly generated for you and you will receive an E-Mail with details on how to activate your account.

Request a new password.

Terms of use

In accessing this area and / or downloading high resolution material you agree to the basic terms: these are not to use the resources for commercial purposes, not to crop or overwrite images or videos in any way. Any special usage must be approved by the artist in writing (requests to: All usage of texts in public forums must be approved by the artist and associated authors. In any usage of the material full credits for the artist, photographer / author and representing galleries must be included. These should take this format:

Artist Name:
Work Title:
Work Medium:
Word Date:
Image Courtesy: The Artist + PACE Gallery 

All images remain copyright of the artist and associated photographers are listed in credits on each image.

We hope you enjoy this resources area. Please use it responsibly.

John Gerrard Studio